original logview.mrc
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91 lines
alias logview { if ($dialog(lv)) { dialog -ve lv } | else { dialog -mod lv lv } }
; Log Viewer by KiX
; mdx.dll by Dragonzap
On *:load:{
if ($version != 6.03) { echo 4 -a ::Sorry!! You need m8I9R12C4 version 6.03 to use this script | .unload $+(",$script,") | halt }
else { echo 9 -a ::Log Viewer by .::KiX::. | echo 9 -a ::Usage: Right click the main, status, or nicklist and go to logviewer }
On *:unload:{ if (logview.mrc isin $script) { unset %lg.file } }
menu channel,nicklist,status {
Log Viewer
.Open:{ if ($dialog(lv)) { dialog -ve lv } | else { dialog -mod lv lv } }
.Help:{ run $+(",$scriptdirreadme.txt,") }
menu @lv {
Clear:Clear @lv
Alias -l mdxlog_fullpath { return $+(",$scriptdirmdx.dll,") }
Alias -l mdxlog { dll $mdxlog_fullpath $1- }
Alias -l mdxloginit { dll $mdxlog_fullpath SetMircVersion $version | dll $mdxlog_fullpath MarkDialog $dname }
Alias -l read.log { if ($isfile($1-) == $true) { clear @lv | loadbuf $+(1,-,$lines($1-)) -pi @lv $1- } }
Alias logs { did -ra lv 1 0 3 %lg.file | did -i lv 1 1 headertext 0 - $+ $findfile(%lg.file,*.*,0,did -a lv 1 0 2 $nopath($1-)) $+ - Log Files }
Alias lg.seek { did -ra lv 1 0 3 %lg.file | did -i lv 1 1 headertext 0 - $+ $findfile(%lg.file,$+(*,$did($dname,7).text,*),0,did -a lv 1 0 2 $nopath($1-)) $+ - File(s) Found }
dialog lv {
title "Log Viewer"
size 58 55 327 166
option dbu
icon lvicos.icl, 0
list 1, 227 1 100 140, size
button "Button", 2, 0 1 227 165
button "View", 3, 227 141 25 8
button "Clear", 11, 252 141 25 8
button "Edit", 4, 277 141 25 8
button "Send", 5, 303 149 24 8
button "Delete", 6, 302 141 25 8
edit "Find LoG", 7, 227 158 76 9, return autohs center
button "Search", 8, 303 157 24 9
edit "Send To", 12, 227 149 76 9, return autohs center
menu "Directory", 9
item "Change", 10, 9
menu "Refresh", 16
item "Log List", 17, 16
menu "Exit", 14
item "Yes", 15, 14, ok
button "x", 1000, 1000 1000 0 0
On *:dialog:lv:init:0:{
mdxloginit | mdxlog SetControlMDX $dname 2 Window > $scriptdirdialog.mdx | mdxlog SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report rowselect single grid > $scriptdirviews.mdx
window -ehk[0] +d @lv | did -a $dname 2 grab $window(@lv).hwnd @lv
if (!%lg.file) { set %lg.file $+(",$mircdirlogs\,") }
did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 400
did -i $dname 1 1 headertext 3 Logs
did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small
did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirlvicos.icl
did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 1, $+ $scriptdirlvicos.icl
did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 2, $+ $scriptdirlvicos.icl
logs | editbox @lv $chr(9) Enter text to find, and hit the enter key on your keyboard.
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:1:{
if ($isfile($+(",$remove(%lg.file,") $+ $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),")) == $true) {
dialog -t $dname Log Viewer - $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32) - $round($calc($file($+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),")).size / 975),0) $+ kb - | halt
if ($isdir($+(",$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),")) == $true) { dialog -t lv Log Viewer Directory $gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32) | halt }
else { dialog -t $dname Log Viewer }
On *:dialog:lv:dclick:1:{ read.log $+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),") }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:3:{ read.log $+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),") }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:4:{ var %log = $+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),"),%l = 1 | if ($isfile(%log) == $true) { echo 4 @lv ::Editing15 $nopath(%log) | run %log } }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:5:{ var %log = $+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),"),%l = 1 | if ($isfile(%log) == $true) { echo 4 @lv ::Sending15 $nopath(%log) to $did($dname,12).text | dcc send -c $did($dname,12).text %log } }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:6:{ var %log = $+(",$remove(%lg.file,"),$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6-,32),"),%l = 1 | if ($isfile(%log) == $true) { echo 4 @lv ::Removing15 $nopath(%log) to Recycle Bin | .remove -b %log | logs | did -cf $dname 1 3 } }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:8:{ lg.seek }
On *:dialog:lv:sclick:11:{ clear @lv }
On *:dialog:lv:menu:10:{ set %lg.file $+(",$sdir($mircdir),") | logs }
On *:dialog:lv:menu:17:{ logs }
On *:input:@lv:{ var %f = $1- | findtext %f | editbox @lv %f }
; end of file